Is there an extra charge for the first visit? In most cases basic rates apply however if there is a large amount of accumulated waste that needs to be cleaned, an initial clean-up fee may apply. In these cases we will come out and assess your yard and give you a no-obligation estimate.
How am I charged for Top Dog services? We want you to be totally satisfied with our service before paying for it, and we will never ask for money up front nor do we require contracts. We will instead bill you at the end of each month. You'll receive an invoice via email, and can opt for a physical invoice to be mailed to you.
Should I unlock my gate? Our technicians are not allowed to jump over fences. Please have your gate unlocked on your service day.
Do we scoop in the winter? Dogs don’t stop doing their business in the winter, so why should we? However, from time to time we may fall behind due to bad weather. Generally we are able to catch up on our schedule within a day or two, so we humbly ask for your patience and understanding in these situations.
Do we work holidays? We work all of the summer holidays because we know Michiganders enjoy entertaining during summer months, and we will be there to meet those needs so you can have a clean yard for those special events. However we do not work the following holidays:
New Years
Can I skip services? Just call and let us know; at least one week notice is required.
For questions, appointments or additional information, call 810-512-8151.
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